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Services of the General Authority for Food and Drugs

The National Drug & Poison Information Center (NDPIC)

The National Drug & Poison Information Center (NDPIC)

National Center for Medical Devices Reporting

National Center for Medical Devices Reporting ( NCMDR ) A systematic database to manage medical devices' post-market activities, such as Medical devices reporting of Adverse events and complaints, as well as publishing the Safety alerts of Medical devices with follow-up implementation of the corrective actions to ensure the safety, efficacy and performance of medical devices.

Standards Web Store

It provides many services for the stakeholders, obtaining standards, giving feedback on draft standards, proposing standards, and reviewing draft of standards before publishing

Product Classification System (PCS)

SFDA established Product Classification System for companies to classify their products and get to know the eligibility of products and whether it is subject to registration. The classification exclusively based on the SFDA criteria and products classification guidance. It is an optional service for companies and does not replace registration for other SFDA electronic systems

Saudi Clinical Trials Registry (SCTR)

The Saudi Clinical Trials Registry (SCTR) is the entity that houses a formal record for all CTs data in Saudi Arabia. It is responsible for ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in the register, and that the formal record of an internationally agreed minimum amount of information about a clinical trial is published on a publicly-accessible website.

Issue bills for the Authority's services

An electronic system that enables users to issue a bill to get SFDA service

Drug Track and Trace System (RSD)

RSD is an electronic system that aims to insure drug safety by tracking all drugs in the supply chain from manufacturing till it reaches the consumer.

Gulf Rapid Alert System for Food

The aim of Gulf Rapid Alert System for Food (GRASF) is to facilitate rapid exchange of information among concerned governmental bodies in GCC countries, regarding notifications and alerts related to food and food contact materials safety, to take necessary and preventive measures for protecting consumer’s health

Approval of technical and clinical specifications for medical radioactive materials

electronic system through which requests for approval of technical and clinical specifications for medical radioactive materials for the benefit of medical establishment are received which requested by importer, re-exporter and transporter establishments of these materials, and then approval of technical and clinical specifications is issued, before applying for importing or re-exporting clearance

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