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الدائرة الحكومية لسلامة الغذاء وحماية المستهلك
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ukrania-Bovine_0.pdf (146.89 KB)
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Yellow
Non Applicable
Non Applicable
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ukrania-Meat_2.pdf (230.69 KB)
Non Applicable
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ukrania-poultry.pdf-1_0.pdf (183.52 KB)
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ukrania-poultry-prod-1_0.pdf (182.35 KB)
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ukrania-milk-prod_2_0.pdf (237.12 KB)
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ukrania-honey_0.pdf (389.51 KB)
Importation is permitted according to the regulations and requirements
Permitted Yellow
State Department of Food Safety and Consumer Protection