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وزارة الزراعة والأغذية والبحرية
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ireland-Bovine-meat_2.pdf (255.43 KB)
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ireland-ovine-meat_2.pdf (163.93 KB)
Non Applicable
Non Applicable
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ireland-processed-meat_2_0.pdf (125.35 KB)
Non Applicable
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ireland-Poultry_0.pdf (351.92 KB)
Non Applicable
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ireland-fishAuq-1_2.pdf (449.33 KB)
Import is permitted only from approved establishments
Permitted Green
Ireland-fishAuq-1-02.pdf (403.5 KB)
Non Applicable
Non Applicable
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Marine