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Infants Formula, Follow on Formula and Formulas for special medical purposes

Infants Formula, Follow on Formula and Formulas for special medical purposes
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SFDA Warns Consumers with Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity from a Specific Production of "EnviroKidz Gluten-Free Cereals"

Warning Date

SFDA Warns Consumers with Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity from a Specific Production of "EnviroKidz Gluten-Free Cereals"


SFDA has warned consumers from a number of "EnviroKidz Gluten-Free Cereals" products that produced by Nature’s Path Foods in USA. Patients with Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity should not consume the cereals duo to exceed the permissible level of gluten regarding Gulf Technical Regulation for Gluten Free Foods (2012/1021GSO).

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

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Clarification about Using Vegetable Oils in Food Products


SFDA would like to clarify that it has reviewed all the reports that issued by the European (EFSA) Organization, in order to make sure of dangers of using vegetable oil, particularly palm oil, in food stuff, in response to the recent claims that spreaded in social media to stop palm oil, as it may cause a potential reason for developing cancer. 

SFDA did not find any trace of any kind of report advising to stop using palm oil in food products, recently.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

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SFDA Warns Alerts about General Mills Flour Products for the possibility of being contaminated with e collie bacteria


SFDA Warned about flour products produced by General Mills Company, USA for the possibility of being contaminated with e collie bacteria. 

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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SFDA Tightens Control over Honey Imports from 8 countries


SFDA implemented strict measures to protect citizens and residents of KSA from imported honey from 8 countries wherein Small Hive beetle- Aethina tumida disease has spread.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

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SFDA: ‘Cheese Constituents are made of vegetable oils and do not contain any harmful substances’



SFDA confirmed that some spread cheese products in the local market are made of cheese constituents that are manufactured from vegetable oil due to their low cost, explaining that cheese constituents do not contain natural cheese.

SFDA pointed out that spread cheese products are made of processed cream cheese and other processed cheese (very few in the local market),

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

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"SFDA," Warns from plastic and glass containers in the form of lamps which is not suitable for food use


 SFDA stressed for the importance of consumer's attention when buying plastic and glass containers because some of them are unsuitable for food use.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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SFDA " warns of consumption of a number of chocolate products for the Mars Company for the possibility of plastic parts presence



  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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SFDA Conducted Survey about" Aromatic Hydrocarbons "in Food



SFDA conducted a field survey to monitor the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds in edible oil products which is commonly used in food preparation, such as corn oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil, as well as bottled water, in order to determine the levels of these compounds in food.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

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SFDA Warns from “ Santan” Coconut Cream & Powder


SFDA warned consumers from buying or using Instant Coconut Milk Powder & Instant Coconut Cream of “Santan” brand as they contain cow milk which was not indicated in their labeling.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

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