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SFDA Warns from using ‘Naqa Al Shallal Potable Drinking Water Products due to exceeding the allowed level of Bromate


​ SFDA has recently collected samples of various sizes of potable drinking water, locally produced, from different production dates and batches, in order to verify their conformity with GCC Standard Specifications No. ( 1025/2009- Potable Drinking Water), setting the maximum allowed percentage of Bromates at (10 ppb).

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SFDA Obliged Bakeries to Limit Salt Levels in Bread Starting from Tomorrow



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SFDA launches Meat Safety Awareness Campaign for Safe Handling of Meat.


​SFDA launched meat safety awareness campaign for handling meat safely and maintaining its nutritional value.  Mr. Abdulrahman Al Sultan, the Executive Manager for communication and awareness in the Authority, referred that the purpose of the Campaign is raising the consumers’ awareness level and identifying the best way for meat preservation and storage during the process of cooling or freezing it.

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Clarification about Plastic Rice Product


The Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA) would like to clarify that further to the news communicated via social media and electronic news websites, with regard to “Plastic Rice” product which is made of a mixture of potatoes and sweet potatoes in addition to rice flavor and artificial gum. This plastic Rice can be distinguished from the natural rice only after cooking. SFDA is taking all the necessary actions to restrict entry of this type of rice to the local markets.

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SFDA President: “Standard Legislations have helped to protect GCC Markets from unsafe food”



His Excellency the Chief Executive Officer of SFDA, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Almishal, stressed that GCC have built a series of standard legislations and mechanisms that helped in protection of Gulf markets from unsafe food.

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SFDA Inspected 600 Food Establishments and Seized 176000 kilogram of Violated Food Stuff


SFDA inspected over 600 Food Establishments including food factories and major food warehouses and distribution centers kingdom wide. This was in view of His Excellency the Chief Executive Officer of SFDA, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Almishal exceptional plan for inspection of factories and warehouses of highly consumed foods during the month of Ramadan in all districts to ensure their conformity with health requirements. 

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SFDA Stops Production Lines in 66 Water Factories



SFDA Stopped Production Lines in 66 Water Factories in the various regions of the Kingdom since control of water factories was assigned to SFDA, 16 months ago.

This action comes after transferring the control of all bottled water plants in all regions of the Kingdom to SFDA since 01/04/1436 AH.

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H.E. The Chief Executive Officer Meets Food Importers at “Riyadh Chamber of Commerce”


H.E. the Chief Executive Officer of SFDA, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Almishal met with Food Importers at the main hall of Riyadh Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was attended by SFDA Vice President for Food Sector Dr. Salah Al Miman, the executive director of local markets control, Dr. Mohammed Al Nassir and a number of food sector staff.

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SFDA Launches ‘Safe Handling of Pesticides’ Campaign


H.E. the Chief Executive Officer of SFDA, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Almishal launched today ‘Safe Handling of Pesticides’ Campaign, at SFDA Headquarters. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness about the proper handling of pesticides at the time of purchase, use and storage of same in addition to the methods of protection from insects.                 

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SFDA temporarily suspends meat imports from Ethiopian Organic organization:


 SFDA temporarily suspended meat imports from Ethiopian organic organization until they respond to SFDA comments. SFDA cleared in a statement on it’s website: , that it’s technical team visited Ethiopia for the purpose of accreditation of the Ethiopian Ministry of Animal and Fish via SFDA as an official regulator and thus authorizing the ministry to approve licensed meat and meat products exporting organizations to export meat to the Kingdom in co-ordination with SFDA.

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