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Under the auspices of the Crown Prince: Prince Nayef Inaugurates the Activities of the First National Campaign for Food Safety Awareness Entitled "No for Food Poisoning"


Under the auspices of his Royal Highness Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz, the Vice President of Ministers Council, the Minister of Defense and Aviation, the General Inspector and the Chairman of the SFDA Board of Directors, the SFDA organizes the first national campaign for food safety awareness entitled "No for Food Poisoning", inaugurated by his royal highness Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz, the Minister of Interior and the SFDA Board of Directors member, on Tuesday 28-10-1429H lasting one week. On this occasion, his Excellency Dr.

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  • Call Centre 19999

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In cooperation with SFDA Environment Health Department closes out a Herbal Products Store


Pursuant to SFDA's efforts in controlling and tracking the safety of pharmaceutical products and the governing regulations thereof; the inspection committee – formulated from Riyadh Municipality Environment Health Department, SFDA, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Interior- has closed out " Zain Al Atat" Herbal Products Store of Al Ta-meer Shopping Center in Riyadh due to presence of violating products in the said store which have already been confiscated and the store had made an undertaking, in writing, to Environment Health department not to sell such products again.

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  • Call Centre 19999

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Nestle Announces the Recall of Some Milkybar Buttons Products due to their potential contamination with Rubber


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SFDA Imposed Temporary Ban on Fresh Vegetables Imports from EU:



In continuation of SFDA role of control of food and medicine and follow-up of all developments and updates of the spread of (E-Coli) (EHEC) in Germany and other EU countries. Despite the food source of this infection is not yet identified, there are some indications that the infection maybe caused by some kind of fresh vegetables and seedling (Sprouts) used in canned Salad.

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  • Call Centre 19999

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الهيئة تقدم إرشادات هامة عن سلامة الأغذية أثناء موسم الحج


دشنت الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء بتنظيم من إدارة العلاقات العامة والإعلام حملتها للتبرع بالدم الخاصة بالموظفين أمام المبنى الرئيس للهيئة وذلك بالتعاون مع بنك الدم بمدينة الملك فهد الطبية ، وتستمر الحملة من السبت 25/6/1432هـ إلى الأربعاء29/6/1432هـ.

يأتي ذلك إسهاماً من الهيئة في دعم بنوك الدم المحلية لتزويدها بما تحتاجه لخدمة المرضى وتعميقاً لروح العطاء والعمل التطوعي تجاه المجتمع وتأكيداً لثقافة التبرع بالدم.

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الأمير سلطان يشكر الرئيس التنفيذي للهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء


في إطار جهود الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء الهادفة لضمان سلامة الغذاء، تقوم الهيئة بمتابعة التطورات والمستجدات حول حادثة الإصابات المرضية ببكتيريا انتيروهيمورجيك ايشريشيا كولاي (EHEC) في دولة ألمانيا وعدد من دول الاتحاد الأوروبي. وبالرغم من أنه لم يتم تحديد المادة الغذائية ومصدر الميكروب وبلد المنشأ إلا أن بعض الدلائل تشير إلى أنه يمكن أن تكون أحد أنواع الخضار الطازجة مثل الخيار والخس والطماطم.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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The SFDA Made a National Achievement by Joining the Work Group of Quality Regulations in the Global Harmonization Task Force for Monitoring Medical Devices and Products


Regarding the SFDA vision that adopts the responsibility of being a regional pioneer monitoring authority in field of food, drug and medical devices as well as offering professional services that enhance health safety in the Kingdom; the SFDA made a national achievement by joining the technical work group in the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF) for monitoring medical devices and products; which includes the USA, Canada, European Union countries, Australia and Japan.

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Kenyan Ambassador Visit to SFDA


Peter Nicholas Rateng, Kenya’s Ambassador, visited SFDA new premises in Riyadh, in order to meet with his Excellency Prof. Hisham bin Saad Al Jadhey SFDAs Chief Executive Officer.
The parties have discussed important means of cooperation between the two countries regarding the scoop of food.

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SFDA Launches its new official electronic portal and announces its Twitter account


​H.E. Dr. Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Kanhal, Chief Executive Officer of SFDA, inaugurated the new Official SFDA Portal: in its totally new, different and updated format, depending on a ‘friendly access feature’. The portal was designed to enable visitors  to access all portal sections from ‘homepage’. The portal included several sections e.g. Food Sector, Drug Sector, Medical devices & Products Sector and Electronic Services. The main menu contains several important sections such as news, alerts, awareness center and communication center.

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In chronology with the International Blood Donation Day.. SFDA Organizes Blood Donation Campaign


 SFDA Organized a Blood Donation Campaign, in cooperation with King Fahad Medical City Blood Bank for one week starting (19/7/1433), coinciding with the International Blood Donation Day.

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