SFDA Chaired Asian Harmonization Group Technical & Scientific TFs Meetings
SFDA Chaired Asian Harmonization Group Technical & Scientific TFs Meetings recently held in Singapore.
SFDA Chaired Asian Harmonization Group Technical & Scientific TFs Meetings recently held in Singapore.
The Spanish Ambassador to the Kingdom, Mr. Khuwakin Berth visited SFDA where he met with H.E. the Chief Executive Officer of SFDA, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Almishal.
SFDA Chief Executive HE Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulrahman AlMeshaal, Inaugurated an electronic system to speed up the work procedures related to human resources, which will help employees to access services in a fast and high quality way, especially with the increase in the number of manpower, and with the need for more developed systems to meet the needs of employees in the regions and crossings border.
افتتح الرئيس التنفيذي للهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء الدكتور محمد بن عبدالرحمن المشعل، فعاليةً لفحص السكري لدى موظفي الهيئة، بالتعاون مع جمعية السكري السعودية الخيرية.
وأجرى متخصصون في الجمعية فحص السكري لعدد كبير من موظفي الهيئة، وقدموا نصائح تساعد على الوقاية من المرض، باتباع عادات غذائية صحية وممارسة الرياضة.
A delegation from World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), visited the SFDA headquarters, and met with HE Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Almeshaal.
The Irish Ambassador to the Kingdom, Mr. Tony Kutter, visited SFDA today and met with H.E the Chief Executive Officer of SFDA, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Almishal.