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The Turkish Ambassador to the Kingdom visits Saudi Food & Drug Authority(SFDA)


​H.E. Dr. Mohammed bin Ahmed A Kanhal, Chief Executive Officer of SFDA welcomed today Mr. Ahmed Mukhtar Ghoun, the Ambassador of Turkey to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at SFDA Head Office in Riyadh. This visit comes in line with friendship relations between the two countries.

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SFDA Ends Drug Awareness Program Activities


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Drug Awareness Program Activities Continue During Mid-Year Holidays


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Jeddah Chamber of Commerce Merchants Chair Hosts H.E. Chief Executive Officer of Saudi Food and Drug Authority


​H.E Chief Executive officer of Saudi Food & Drug Authority delivered yesterday a lecture about SFDA tasks in Jeddah Chamber of Commerce & Industry, where he was received by Sheikh Saleh Kamil, Chairman of the Board of Chamber of Commerce & Industry

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H.E Chief Executive officer of Saudi Food & Drug Authority Visits Jeddah Branch & Food Control Laboratory


H.E CEO of SFDA, visited the day before yesterday, SFDA branch in Jeddah Province of Makkah Region. H.E CEO held a meeting with West Region employees, department heads, directors and inspectors and encouraged them to exert every possible efforts to ensure safety of food, safety, security and efficacy of drug; and safety and efficiency of medical devices.

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SFDA Participates in the International Food & Drug Day


SFDA has participated in the International Food & Drug Day Exhibition organized by King Saud University in Riyadh, on Saturday 18/11/1432H> The opening ceremony of the exhibition was sponsored by Dr. Tariq Al Raies, Dean of Student Affairs-KSU.

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SFDA Warns about Purchasing Drugs via the Internet


​Saudi FDA warns the public from purchasing drugs, health and herbal products via the internet and not to be deceived by misleading promotions on some websites that sell drugs, health and herbal products of unknown origin and tat are not registered by SFFDA. Such drugs and products could be highly dangerous as their manufacturing conditions or pharmaceutical contents are unknown, besides, no quality assurance and efficacy measures exist.

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SFDA Continued Work During Eid Holidays


SFDA has continued its business during Eid holidays in its main offices and sub-branches as well as points of entry of food, drug and medical devices & products sectors in order to complete clearance processes.

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SFDA Warns about Using Augmentin 1 GM run # 407525


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SFDA Organized Eid Al Adha Reception Party


Saudi Food & Drugs Authority organized “Eid Al Adha” reception party for the year 1432H, at its Head Office, Saturday. The Reception party was headed by H.E. CEO of the Saudi Food & Drug Authority Dr. Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Kanhal and a number of SFDA Senior Staff and employees. The attendees exchanged Eid greetings and socialized in this event wishing this country continuous pride, welfare, dignity and prosperity while wishing the same for Arab and Islamic Nations.

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