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SFDA Received the Commercial Counsellor and Director UK Trade & Investment


H.E. The Chief Executive Officer of SFDA, Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Almish’al hosted Commercial Counselor and Director UK Trade & Investment Mr. \ Chris Innes-Hopkins.

The main objective of meeting was about collaboration support between both sides to take advantages of the rules and regulations related to Food, medicines, medical equipments and products safety, and during the meeting H.E. Chief Executive Officer of SFDA confirmed that the related technical teams are currently Re-evaluating and developing some of Technical Regulations to guarantee the resumption of health and food safety, also to Facilitating the Import and export process.

The meeting was attended by a number of Executive Directors and Technicians in Food and Drugs, Medical products and equipments Sectors, and from the British side the Trade and Investment Affairs Assistant Ms.\ Heba Abu Reyala



The Authority