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Launch of Food Products Search Service by Barcode




H.E. The Chief Executive Officer of SFDA launched today, Thursday 16/7/135H, at SFDA’s  IT Conference room Food Products Search Service by Barcode that enables smart phone users to use their cameras to search for any food product within the Kingdom which provides details of the product that helps the consumer to recognize the best means of preservation of such products. The search service also  provides the product’s type, country of origin, packaging type, validity period, ideal storage temperature and name of importer or representative in the Kingdom. Inquiry about food products can be made by the following methods: Access SFDA  smart phone Application, select Food Sector from the main or sub- menu, click on Food Products Search option. You can also enter the barcode number, or take barcode photo from the product directly and then click on “ Search Product” after photographing it.


The Authority