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French baby milk caused Salmonella


In accordance to received information to the SFDA, Novalac, a French Company, had withdrawn its baby powder milk after the infection of eight babies with Salmonella. The product is being sold in pharmacies in France from the beginning of July and the polluted amount reaches 4500 boxes full of powder milk packs expired in 18th of July, 2011.
The SFDA contacts international authorities to have more information about this product and procedures might be done in need.

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  • Call Centre 19999

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The FDA Warns Consumers not to Eat Nestle Toll House Prepackaged, Refrigerated Cookie Dough


FDA stated that Nestle has recalled all varieties of prepackaged, refrigerated Toll House cookie dough due to the risk of contamination with E. coli O157:H7 (a bacterium that infects colon and causes food borne illness) according to preliminary investigations conducted by the FDA and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The FDA added that there have been 66 reports of illness across 28 states. Twenty-five persons were hospitalized and no one has died.

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The SFDA Warns against Using Nestle Toll House Prepackaged Refrigerated Cookie Dough Products


According to what has been published on the SFDA website about Nestle Toll House Prepackaged Refrigerated Cookie Dough Products; which have been recalled from the American markets due to contamination with E. coli O157:H7 (a bacterium that infects colon and causes food borne illness), and to pursue new news about this issue, the SFDA received a notification from Nestle; clarifying that these products entered the Kingdom and available in large retail markets.

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  • Call Centre 19999

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هيئة المواصفات الغذائية البريطانية (FSA) تحذر من أغذية الأطفال من إنتاج شركة هينزHeinz


حذرت هيئة المواصفات الغذائية البريطانية من أغذية الأطفال التي تنتجها شركة هينز (Heinz) وذلك في تاريخ 24-7-2009 الموافق 2/8/1430 هـ، وقد صدر هذا التحذير بعد ما قامت الشركة المنتجة بالتحذير من استخدام أغذية أطفال (مكرونة) للفئة العمرية من الـ 7 أشهر وأكثر، وأوضحت الشركة أن هذا التحذير بسبب وجود قطع بلاستيكية قد تتسبب في انسداد الحلق، وتحمل هذه الأغذية رقم الدفعة 9136 وتنتهي صلاحية الاستهلاك في نوفمبر 2010.

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The (FDA) Announced a Recall of some Products of Adams Extract and Spice for being Contaminated with Salmonella


The FDA stated that on the 7th of August, 2009, 16th of Shaaban, 1430H, Adams Extract and Spice has recalled number of products contain a specific lot of ground red pepper supplied by Van de Vries Spice Corporation, as being contaminated with salmonella. List of products that have been recalled is attached.

The SFDA is pursuing relative news and cooperating with relative authorities to insure nonexistence of contaminated products in the Kingdom markets as well as making necessary preventive procedures in case of existence.

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الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء تحذر من منتجات مياه شرب معبأة


ضمن الجهود التي تبذلها الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء من منطلق دورها الرقابي لرصد كل ما يتعلق بسلامة المنتجات التي تدخل ضمن المهام المنوطة بها، وبناء على توجيه المقام السامي للهيئة للقيام بالتأكد من الالتزام بالمواصفة القياسية السعودية رقم 409/2000 (م ق خ رقم 1025) " مياه الشرب المعبأة" المعدلة خاصة فيما يتعلق بالحد الأقصى المسموح به من مادة البرومات () في مياه الشرب المعبأة، فقد قامت الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء بسحب عدد من عينات مياه الشرب المعبأة لمنتجات محلية ومستوردة خلال فترات مختلفة ولعدة دفعات من تواريخ الإنتاج المختلفة وتقييم مدى مطابقتها لتلك المواصفة، وثبت للهي

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Warning from contaminated dietary foods


The US Food & Drug Authority (FDA) declared on 3/12/2009G, corresponding to 16/12/1430 AH, recall of all canned Slim Fast© Ready To Drink (RTD) Products due to suspected contamination with Bacillus cereus bacteria that causes diseases.
A list of recalled products can be viewed at FDA portal through the following link:

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Saudi FDA Warns People from using Bonsoy Soy Milk Products contaminated with Iodine


Based on the announcement made by the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) on the 28th. December 2009G , corresponding to 11/01/1431AH, several Food Control Authorities and Organizations (e.g. Australia - New Zealand Food Standards & Food Safety Authority of Ireland “FSAI”) have recalled Bonsoy Soy Milk Product ( produced by Japan in 1 ltr. Tetra Packs, see details below) as it contains high percentage of Iodine that may cause Thyrotoxicosis.

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SFDA Warns about Al Rai Factory Potable Water


Within the efforts exerted by the Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA) and pursuant to its role of monitoring and control of all matters related to the safety of the products lying under its responsibility. And, pursuant to the Royal directions to SFDA to ensure that all potable water plants comply with the revised Saudi Specifications No. (409/2000).

  • To report sector-related issues

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Warning about Hero Baby Product contaminated with Enterobacter sakazakii Bacteria


Based on the decision of UAE Ministry of Environment & Water under reference number 5 dated 2/2/1431 AH, corresponding to 17/01/2010 G, regarding recall and banning of Hero Baby Food Product (see details below), which is used as a substitute for mother’s milk for infants over six months of age, as it is contaminated with Enterobacter sakazakii Bacteria that may cause severe adverse impacts on infants’ health.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

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