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A Number of SFDA Employees Participates in a Workshop about Systems of Food Safety Management


Standardization Organization for GCC organizes a workshop about Systems of Food Safety Management (ISO 22000) cooperating with the General Administration for Standards and Specifications in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in Sultanate of Oman and the Turkish Institute for Standards and Specifications during the

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The SFDA Released a Trail Copy of the Medical Devices National Registry


The SFDA, represented by its medical devices sector, released a trail copy of the Medical Devices National Registry on internet, in accordance with the SFDA system that was issued by a royal decree no (6/m), on 25-1-1428H which commissioned the SFDA to bare the responsibilities of monitoring medical devices and supplies, reagents, eye glasses and contact lenses and according to the Ministers Council decree no (181) issued on 3-6-1428H which has an item about setting a database of companies, establishments and factories that work in field of medical devices and produc

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دعوة لحضور محاضرة "أدويتك في رمضان " بمركز الأمير سلمان الاجتماعي



ضمن سلسلة اللقاءات التثقيفية لبرنامج التثقيف الدوائي تنظم الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء - قطاع الدواء محاضرة بعنوان "أدويتك في رمضان" في مركز الأمير سلمان الاجتماعي , يوم الاثنين الموافق 5 رمضان الساعة العاشرة مساءاً .

الدعوة عامة للرجال والنساء .

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29% يعتمدون في استقاء معلوماتهم الغذائية والصحية على الجهات المتخصصة


تناول استطلاع البوابة الالكترونية للهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء مدى وعي زوار الموقع، وعلى ماذا يعتمد في استقاء معلوماته الغذائية و الصحية؟
وقد اتضح من خلال الاستطلاع الوعي الجيد حيث يعتمد 29.75% من إجمالي المصوتين على الجهات المتخصصة في استقاء معلوماتهم الغذائية والصحية، ويأتي بعد ذلك من اختار وسائل الإعلام كمصدر للمعلومات بنسبة 25.28%، أما الإنترنت والبريد الالكتروني كمصدر معلوماتي فقد جاء في المرتبة الثالثة بنسبة 17.18%، بعد ذلك جاء على التوالي أحاديث الناس بنسبة 16.34% يليه رسائل الجوال بنسبة 6.01 % وجاء في الأخير مصادر أخرى بنسبة 5.45 %.

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سمو الأمير سلطان يرأس الاجتماع السابع لمجلس إدارة الهيئة


رأس سمو الأمير سلطان بن عبدالعزيز ولي العهد نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الدفاع والطيران والمفتش العام رئيس مجلس ادارة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء مساء امس في قصر سموه بالخالدية بجدة الاجتماع السابع لمجلس إدارة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء.

وعقب الاجتماع أعرب الرئيس التنفيذي المكلف للهيئة الدكتور محمد بن أحمد الكنهل عن شكره وتقديره لسمو الأمير سلطان بن عبدالعزيز وأصحاب السمو الامراء وأصحاب المعالي أعضاء مجلس الادارة على توجيهاتهم السديدة ودعمهم للهيئة مما سيكون له أبلغ الاثر في تحقيق النجاح المنشود بتوفيق من الله تعالى.

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The SFDA Held a Congratulatory Party for its' Employees


The SFDA held a congratulatory and reception party in its' headquarter on the occasion of Eid Alfitr (Lesser Bairam), d. Mohammed Alkanhal the executive president of the SFDA and a number of SFDA senior officials headed the attendants.
During the meeting, congratulations and well-wishings have been exchanged hoping continuous prosperity for this country and that Allah repeats the Eid for the Islamic and Arabic nation with blessing and auspiciousness.

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Means of Gaining Information about Food and Health in an Intranet Portal Poll


The SFDA has raised lately in its intranet portal a poll about the most attractive means of gaining information about food and health. Majority of participants, which is 29.43% chose specialized authorities as a reliable source for such information. Coming next, 25.19% for those who selected media, and then 16.96% for participants who voted for internet and e-mail, while 16.46% of participants chose people chats, yet it's noticeable that the last two percentages are close to each other. The last two choices; mobile messages and other methods, had the same percentage which is 5.99%.

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The SFDA Organized an Informational Meeting for Students of Nursing College


The SFDA- represented by its Drug sector- organized an informational meeting for students of Nursing College in it's headquarter. During the meeting, d. Abdulmuhsin Arruhaimi delivered an introducing lecture about the SFDA, after that, pharmacist Muhammed Baraseen explained the details of the SFDA intranet portal.

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Holding the First introductory Meeting for the Electronic Submitting of Drug Registration Files that Belong to the Organizational Authorities in the Kingdom


Within the framework of continuous meetings organized by the SFDA (represented by its Drug sector) with related authorities, the first meeting with officials in ministries concerned with duties of monitoring and registering human and veterinary drugs has been held.

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Ministers Council Approved the Appointment of New Members in the SFDA Board of Directors


During the session that was held on Monday afternoon in Assalam Palace in Jeddah, headed by his Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Alsaud (May Allah Protect him), Ministers Council approved the appointment of new members in the SFDA Board of Directors to three years, since the validity of this decree, according to what follows:

First: representative members of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and they are:
1- Abdulaziz Alabdullah Almunajem
2- Faisal bin Farooq Tamer
3- Munther bin Tarad Alharthey
4- Fawaz bin Fahad Algusaibi

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