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The S.F.D.A Adopts the " Codex Alimentarius"


The S.F.D.A revealed its new strategic plan features after making use of international experiences that relate to organizing monitoring duties and setting standard specifications. Moreover, it will deliver a controlling list- which is going to declared soon- in order to issue licenses of food and drug establishments. The S.F.D.A tends to make expanded researching studies relate to safety and monitoring affairs, and that comes after issuing the royal decree which approved the S.F.D.A system.

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Bawazeer: The S.F.D.A System Adopts the Medicinal Policies in The Kingdom


D. Saleh Bawazeer the vice executive chairman of drugs affair in the S.F.D.A clarified that the new system of the S.F.D.A that has been issued recently includes and covers all the S.F.D.A duties such as: setting policies, developing, updating and suggesting regulations, control and inspection, setting specifications, standards, manufacturing basics and health conditions, offering technical advices, exchanging information, making researches and studies, establishing specialized centers of information and laboratories, and making international contacts.

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وزير الصحة يفتتح المعرض الطبي السعودي الثالث ويرأس الندوة الخليجية للأمراض المزمنة وملتقى جمعيات الصحة المتخصصة


أكد وزير الصحة الدكتور حمد المانع ان وزارة الصحة لا زالت تمنع اعطاء تراخيص الحجامة في السعودية نظرا لعدم وجود اثبات علمي يؤكد فائدتها مشيرا إلى انه تم خلال اجتماع مجلس الخدمة الصحية امس الاول مناقشة الموضوع ولم يستطع أي شخص ان يأتي بدليل علمي يثبت فوائد الحجامة.

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The Kingdom Expenditure of Money on Drug Sector Reaches 202 Billion Riyals During One Year


D. Ubaid bin Salman Alubaid the under secretary of health clarified that the health ministry expenditure of money on drug purchase reached 2200 million riyals in the budget of this year, and this represents 45% of drug market in the Kingdom.

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Establishing a Center for Controlling Drug Damages During the Current Year


D. Saleh Bawazeer the S.F.D.A vice chairman of drug affairs declared to Almadinah newspaper that the establishment of the first national center to control drugs damages and qualities has been carried out and it will be finished at the end of the current year.

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The S.F.D.A Participated in the Common Meeting of the AHWP and the GHTF


The S.F.D.A (represented by its medical devices sector) participated in the meeting of the Asian Harmonization Working Party (AHWP) that was held in Kyoto- Japan. During the meeting, the Common Submission Dossier Template draft (CSDT) which aims to unify the requirements of submitting the medical devices to the controlling authorities among the participated countries was discussed. These requirements were set according to the Summary Technical Documentation (STED) which belongs to the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF).

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The Minister of Agriculture Sponsors the First Agricultural Meeting on the 21st of Safar


Under the sponsorship of his Excellency d. Fahd bin Abdurrahman Algunaim the minister of agriculture, the agriculture ministry organizes the first agricultural meeting activities which includes working sessions, discussion seminars and a specialized agricultural exhibition during the 21st to 22nd of Safar 1428H coinciding with (the 11th to 12th of March 2007).

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The Designate Vice Executive Officer of the S.F.D.A Held an Opening Meeting with the Staff of the S.F.D.A


The S.F.D.A made its first meeting headed by his Excellency the designate vice executive officer of the S.F.D.A d. Mohammed bin Ahmed Alkanhal and attended by their Excellencies the vice chairmen, the general managers and the S.F.D.A officials and staff on the occasion of the council of ministers approval of the S.F.D.A main system which was issued in a session held on (24-1-1428H).

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بمشاركة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء : وزير الصحة يفتتح الندوة السعودية الخليجية للأمراض المزمنة والملتقى الأول للجمعيات الصحية المتخصصة


افتتح معالي وزير الصحة د. حمد بن عبدالله المانع الندوة السعودية الخليجية للأمراض المزمنة والملتقى الأول للجمعيات الصحية المتخصصة والتي قامت بتنظيمها وزارة الصحة في إطار الجهود التي تقودها الوزارة مع المجلس الوزاري لوزراء الصحة الخليجي للقضاء على الأمراض المزمنة والوقاية منها على مستوى الخليج تحت شعار ( الوقاية من الأمراض المزمنة ..

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الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء تجتمع بالشركات الوطنية للأدوية


ترأس سعادة الرئيس التنفيذي المكلف للهيئة الأستاذ الدكتور محمد بن أحمد الكنهل الاجتماع الذي عقدته الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء ممثلة بقطاع الدواء والذي دعت فيه الشركات الوطنية للأدوية،

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