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The Food Sector Organizes a Training Course for its Employees


The S.F.D.A food sector organizes a training course for its employees starting from 13-2-1428 H. and lasting for three weeks. The course aims to inform the employees about the latest developments in fields related to genetically modified organisms, food modern technology, standards of food safety and quality and other important issues.
The lectures will be delivered by some staff members related to departments of food and nutrition sciences, agricultural engineering and plant production, of the food science and agriculture college in King Saud University.

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الدكتور المهيزع شارك في الندوة الوطنية لسلامة الغذاء في سلطنة عمان


شارك أ. د. إبراهيم بن سعد المهيزع نائب الرئيس التنفيذي لشؤون الغذاء للهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء في الندوة الوطنية لسلامة الغذاء التي أقيمت في سلطنة عمان في الفترة من 3 إلى4 مارس 2007م .

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The S.F.D.A Headed the Fourth Common Meeting of the Animal Wealth Committee in the Secretariat-General of Arabian Gulf Countries


The S.F.D.A represented by its drug sector participated in the fourth common meeting of the animal wealth committee and the officials of health ministries which belong to the countries of Gulf Cooperation Council on Monday the 15th of Safar, 1428H corresponding to the 5th of March, 2007, in the Secretariat-General of Arabian Gulf Countries in Riyadh. D. Ibraheem bin Abdullah Ashwaier the consultant of the drug sector and a member of the S.F.D.A delegation was chosen to head the meeting.

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The S.F.D.A Met International Companies of Medicines


The S.F.D.A represented by its drug sector held its second meeting with the managers of the scientific bureaus and regional managers of international companies at the S.F.D.A largest hall in Riyadh, on the last Tuesday the 23rd of Safar, 1428H corresponding to the 13th of March, 2007, in order to continue its conferring meetings with the related authorities that include national manufacturers of drugs, agents of national drug companies and managers of scientific bureaus. The meeting started at 1.15 p.m. with a welcoming word delivered by his Excellency d.

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Prince Fahad bin Sultan Inaugurated the Seventh World Pharmaceutical Saudi Conference


His royal highness prince Fahad bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz the prince of Tabuk and the honorary president of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society inaugurated the Seventh World Pharmaceutical Saudi Conference in Prince Sultan Main Hall at Alfaisalia under the title of ( Pharmacology and New Horizons) which was attended by their Excellencies d. Abdullah bin Mohammed Alfaisal , the Chancellor of King Saud University and d. Mansoor bin Naser Alhawasi, the vice health minister of executive affairs.

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الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء تنظم ورشة عمل "اعتماد المختبرات"


تنظم الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء ممثلة في قطاع الغذاء ورشة عمل حول " اعتماد المختبرات" خلال يومي الخامس والسادس من ربيع الأول للعام 1428هـ، الموافق 24و25 من شهر مارس للعام 2007م، وذلك في القاعة الرئيسية بمقر الهيئة.
ويفتتح ورشة العمل سعادة الرئيس التنفيذي المكلف أ.د. محمد بن أحمد الكنهل، وقد تم دعوة عدد من المختصين في مجال المختبرات من وزارة التجارة والصناعة, والشؤون البلدية والقروية، ووزارة الصحة، ووزارة الزراعة، والهيئة العربية السعودية للمواصفات والمقاييس، إضافة إلى جميع موظفي قطاع الغذاء، كما سيتم دعوة القطاعات الأخرى في الهيئة للمشاركة والحضور.

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The S.F.D.A Executive President Participates in the Third Agricultural Plan Program (The Investment Horizons in Hail)


Within the third agricultural plan program (the investment horizons in Hail) which is made under the auspices of his royal highness prince Saud bin Abdulmuhsen bin Abdulaziz Al Saud the prince of Hail and organized by the general administration of agricultural affairs in Hail during the 8th to the 9th of Rabee Alawal, 1428H,
the executive president of the S.F.D.A d. Mohammed bin Ahmed Alkanhal participates in the activities of the second session of the first day which deals with the concept of (nutrition awareness and agricultural information).

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D. Alkanhal: Laboratories are Important Factors in the Process of Food Control


The acting executive president of the S.F.D.A d. Mohammed bin Ahmed Alkanhal confirmed that the S.F.D.A is working now on developing national qualified staff who work in food laboratories by making training courses that improve their abilities in dealing with imported food. He mentioned too that the S.F.D.A recently is cooperating with the ministry of commerce and industry in order to evaluate these laboratories from different aspects including the level of human abilities and their training needs.

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D. Almuhaize Wrote a Book About ( Food Microbiology )


King Saud University Press in Riyadh has issued a book entitled Food Microbiology written by d. Ibraheem bin Saad Almuhaize, a professor in food and nutrition sciences section in the college of food sciences and agriculture at the University, and the vice executive president of food affairs in the S.F.D.A.

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هيئة وزراء صحة التعاون تؤكد على تفعيل خطط التصدي لأنفلونزا الطيور


أكدت الهيئة التنفيذية لمجلس وزراء الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون في اجتماعها السادس والستين أمس على تفعيل خطة الجاهزية الإقليمية لوباء أنفلونزا الطيور والخطط الوطنية التي أعدت لهذا الغرض.
وناقشت الخطة الاستراتيجية لمكافحة الملاريا بدول المجلس والمعتمدة من قبل وزراء الصحة بدول المجلس وخصص لها سبعة وأربعون مليوناً ومائتان وخمسون دولاراً.

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