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The SFDA Gained "ISO 27001" Certification for Information Security


The SFDA added a new accomplishment by gaining the "ISO 27001" certification for information security, which considered one of the most important certifications recognized internationally by raising the quality and efficiency of organizations around the world in field of information security. The International Organization of Standardization "ISO" by granting this certification aims to improve standards related to information security administration.

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الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء تشارك في اليوم العالمي للطفل


شاركت الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء في اليوم العالمي للطفل وذلك من خلال مشاركتها في الحفل المقام بهذه المناسبة في مدارس المملكة حيث قامت بتوزيع نشرات توعوية ومطويات تثقيفية كما تم عرض عدد من افلام التوعويةللأطفال في مجالات عمل الهيئة.
وفي نهاية الحفل كرم سعادة وكيل وزارة التربية والتعليم الخارجية أمين لجنة الطفولة الدكتور إبراهيم الشدي الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء على مشاركتها في هذا الحفل وعلى الدعم الذي قامت به.

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القوات البرية الملكية تشكر الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء


بمناسبة مشاركة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء في حملة الأمير سلطان بن عبدالعزيز الوطنية الثانية للتثقيف الصحي، أقامت القوات الملكية حفل ختامي يوم الاثنين 26/11/1429هـ الموافق 24/11/2008م برعاية معالي قائد القوات البرية الملكية الفريق الركن/ حسين بن عبدالله القبيل لتكريم المشاركين في الحملة حيث أقيم الحفل في مقر القيادة. 

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هيئة الغذاء والدواء تستعين بخبرات أوروبية وأمريكية


ضمن جهود الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء للاستعداد لمباشرة أعمال الرقابة على الغذاء المستورد، استضافت الهيئة خبراء من جهات رقابية أوروبية وأمريكية، كما أقيمت ورشة عمل للمفتشين في المنافذ بعنوان "مهارات وتقنيات التفتيش المتبعة في هيئة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية" وقد اشتملت على:

1. أولويات الفحص والرقابة ضمن إطار تقدير المخاطر.

2. أسس أخلاقيات وآداب مهنة الرقابة على الغذاء المستورد.

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Containing Important Information about Three Thousand Drug: The SFDA Inaugurates the Saudi Package Drugs Insert (SPDI)


His Excellency, the acting executive president of SFDA, Dr. Mohammed bin Ahmed Alkanal inaugurates the Saudi Package Drug Insert on Saturday afternoon 29-12-1429H, 27-12-2008. The drug sector of the SFDA had set the Saudi Package Drug Insert (SPDI); which has more than 1400 pages and contains important scientific information about three thousand drug marketed in the Kingdom.

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"Herbal Products are Unsafe":The SFDA Organizes the Second National Week of Prevention Poisoning


The SFDA, represented by its drug sector, organizes the second national week of poisoning prevention entitled "Herbal Products are Unsafe" which will last for one week starting from 29-12-1429 to 5-1-1430 that equals 27-12-2008 to 2-1-2009, in the SFDA Riyadh headquarter. The party and the accompanied exhibition will be inaugurated by his Excellency Dr.

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The SFDA sponsors the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition


The SFDA, represented by its food sector, sponsors the fifth annual meeting of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition on Tuesday morning 16-1-1430 H, that equals 13-1-2009, in Madareem Crown Hotel in Riyadh. Dr. Bakri Hussain Hussain, who conducted the study group of evaluating kinds, uses, risks of plastic packaging and wrapping materials used for food in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will deliver a main lecture about "Pollutants Journey from Food Cans". Yet, another lecture entitled "Obesity; reasons and diagnoses" will be held by Dr.

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The College of Telecom and Information Honored the SFDA


The College of Telecom and Information Honored the SFDA for its active participation in the second educational exhibition entitled "To Avoid Mistakes".
In a reverence ceremony held by the College of Telecom and Information; Mr. Mazin bin Mousa Alismail, the supervisor of public relations in the SFDA, received a gratitude trophy from the dean of the college Dr. Ahmed bin Abdullah Alhamed. Yet, the College thanked the SFDA for its participation and efforts in educating the consumer.

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The SFDA Organizes a Meeting for its Scholarships Candidates within the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Program of Scholarship


The SFDA, in cooperation with the Institution of Researches and Consultative Services in the Islamic University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud, organizes a meeting for its scholarships candidates within the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Program of Scholarship, starting from Saturday 27-1-1430H and lasting for three days in Madareem Crown Hotel in Riyadh, at 3.45 p.m. until 8 p.m.

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The SFDA Organizes Two Workshops Entitled "The Right Procedures to Withdraw and Circulate Samples of Food Imported to the Kingdom"


The SFDA, represented by its food sector, organizes two workshops about "the right procedures to withdraw and circulate samples of food imported to the Kingdom" in Quality Laboratory of Jeddah and Dammam, starting from the 27th to the 28th of Muharram, 1430H, that equals the 24th to the 25th of January, 2009 in Dammam, and from the 1st to the 2nd of Saffar, 1430H, that equals the 27th to the 28th of January, 2009. His Excellency, Dr.

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