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Is it possible to import products accompanied by certificate for standards other than standards issued by SASO?


It is not permitted to import cosmetic products unless the certificate of conformity states that the product complies with SASO standards.


What are the conditions related to certificates of conformity?


The certificate of conformity shall be issued by an accredited certification company at the country of origin and shall be attested, and the certificate shall state that the product complies with Saudi standards issued by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO).


Is there a list of the companies approved to issue certificates of conformity?


Currently there is no list; and soon SFDA will make agreements with some companies for issuing certificates of conformity for imported cosmetic products, and will be announced duly after approval.


Is it mandatory to register cosmetic products at SFDA before import?


At the moment it is not mandatory to register cosmetic products before import, and SFDA is currently building up an electronic system for registration and eventually it will a condition for import, and will be announced once completed on our website.

Warning Date

Warning: Toothpastes Made in China Contain Harmful Substance Affects Human Health


According to SFDA concern about citizens' health and safety, the Authority collected 40 samples of imported and local made toothpastes from the local market. After analyzing these samples, results showed that there are seven kinds made in China contain different high rates of (Di-ethylene Glycol) substance that affect human health badly more than what is allowed by the FDA which is 0.1%. It worth mentioning that this substance is used as a solvent, anti-freezing substance as well as in radiators.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

Warning Date

Discovering an Eighth Harmful Toothpaste Made in China


During the SFDA continuous work of investigating and analyzing new samples of local made as well as imported toothpastes available in the local market, it discovered an eighth toothpaste (in addition to the former seven ones) named (Clean Up) that contains Di-Ethylene Glycol; a substance which harm human health. It worth mentioning that it is used as a solvent, anti-freezing substance as well as in radiators.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

Warning Date

The SFDA Warns Against some Skin Whitening Cosmetics Containing Mercury


Within the program of following up marketed materials; the SFDA, represented by its drug sector, made tests for several cosmetics,(skin whitening), marketed locally, (29 samples from the beginning of the year) and results revealed that three products contain different rates of Mercury, and they are:
1. ST.Ives
2. Stillman's
3. Pohli

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

Warning Date

الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء تحذر من منتجات مصنع مراكب الرفاه للتجارة


في إطار الدور الرقابي للهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء للتحقق من سلامة ومأمونية مستحضرات التجميل ، وبالتعاون مع الجهات المختصة تم الوقوف على مصنع غير مرخص باسم ( مراكب الرفاه للتجارة ) يقوم بتعبئة عدد 18 من مستحضرات التجميل تشمل بعض أنواع الزيوت المستخدمة للشعر ومزيلات العرق والبخور في منطقة سكنية دون إتباع طرق التعبئة والتصنيع الجيد لمستحضرات التجميل والمنصوص عليها في المواصفة القياسية السعودية الصادرة في هذا الشأن ، وقد قامت الهيئة بمخاطبة الجهات المعنية لاتخاذ الإجراءات النظامية اللازمة لسحب هذه المستحضرات الموضحة في الجدول المرفق .

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

Warning Date

SFDA Warns about Herbal Products that are Promoted for Several Uses


Within the framework of SFDA programs for tracking , monitoring and control of the safety and security of drugs and herbal and cosmetic products, SFDA inspectors have recalled 16 products promoted in the local market with many deceiving medical alleges. SFDA has analyzed these products in its own Drug Sector’s Laboratories and found that many of these herbal products are counterfeit by addition of harmful and toxic substances.

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

Warning Date

SFDA Warns of using Three Hair Straightening Products



Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has warned of using three hair straightening products as they contain high percentage of "Formaldehyde"

  • To report sector-related issues

  • Call Centre 19999

Other Warnings

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