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The SFDA Organized a Workshop about Pharmacovigilance


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FDA Approves First Drug for Treating Fibromyalgia


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Lyrica (pregabalin), the first drug to treat fibromyalgia, a disorder characterized by pain, fatigue and sleep problems.

Lyrica reduces pain and improves daily functions for some patients with fibromyalgia.

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Drug Sector adding a new guidelines for registration the Biosimilar Drugs


The Drug sector in the Saudi Food & Drug Authority added recently to guidelines list the first draft of the Drug Master File Requirements for Registration of Biosimilars. This draft is available on the web site at :

For all opinions from concerned authorities or professions. Please provide us with your suggestions and feedback about this guideline and practical directions to one of the following addresses.

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Management of acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning


Organophosphorus pesticide self-poisoning is an important clinical problem in rural regions of the developing world, and kills an estimated 200000 people every year. Unintentional poisoning kills far fewer people but is a problem in places where highly toxic organophosphorus pesticides are available. Medical management is difficult, with case fatality generally more than 15%. We describe the limited evidence that can guide therapy and the factors that should be considered when designing further clinical studies.

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دعوة لحضور محاضرة "أدويتك في رمضان" بمركز الأمير سلمان الاجتماعي


ضمن سلسلة اللقاءات التثقيفية لبرنامج التثقيف الدوائي تنظم الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء - قطاع الدواء محاضرة بعنوان "أدويتك في رمضان" في مركز الأمير سلمان الاجتماعي , يوم الاثنين الموافق 5 رمضان الساعة العاشرة مساءاً .

الدعوة عامة للرجال والنساء .

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Efficacy and Safety of Epoetin Alfa in Critically Ill Patients


Anemia, which is common in the critically ill, is often treated with red-cell transfusions, which are associated with poor clinical outcomes. Researchers hypothesized that therapy with recombinant human erythropoietin (epoetin alfa) might reduce the need for red-cell transfusions.

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FDA & Health Canada suspend marketing of Trasylol in United State and Canada‏


November, 5 , 2007, US FDA and Health Canada the American's and Canadian equivalent to the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) , announced that at the request of Health Canada and US FDA , the manufacturer Bayer Inc. has temporarily suspended marketing of the drug Trasylol (Aprotinin) pending detailed review of preliminary results from a Canadian study that suggested an increased risk for death.

Trasylol (Aprotinin) is drug used to control bleeding during heart surgery and reduce the need for blood transfusion.

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(SFDA) participated in the international conference on pharmaceutical legislation accordant at Japan


Dr. Saleh Abdullah Bawazeer the Vice President for Drug Affairs and the representative of the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) in international corporation group which emerge from international conference for accordant, has participated in the conference meeting that held in the city of Yokohama at Japan from 16-20 of shawwal.

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SFDA Launch the Week Of Drug Poisoning Prevention


Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Al-Kanhal,  Acting Executive President of the (SFDA), stated that the Saudi Food and Drug Authority prepared a long term strategy which aims to present an educational programs concerning about the health, food, drug and how to use the medical devices.

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The Authority holds (The Stability Of Biological Products) Lecture


In accordance with the continuity of scientific lectures which organized by drug sector and the firms that related to its work, The sector holds a scientific lecture by the name of (the stability of biological products). This has been done within the scientific activity of the drug sector that aims to good preparation and readying to transport some duties.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the vice president for drug affairs Prof. Saleh Abdullah Bawazeer welcomed the honorable attendance and thanks the lecturer Prof. Heuberts Schelekns.

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