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Inaugurating the Activities of Prevention Week against Drug Poisoning


His Excellency prof. Mohammed bin Ahmed Alkanhal, the Acting Executive President of the SFDA, inaugurated the activities of prevention week against poisoning during the 14th to the 20th of Thulqida, 1428H, which equals the 24th to the 30th of November, 2007, in Madareem Crown ( Alfahad Crown formerly). The celebration was introduced by Dr. Abdulmuhsin bin Humaid Alruhaimi, the Director of Researches and Publishing Department, and started  a recitation of Holy Quran verses. Then, prof. Alkanhal announced the emblem of the week .. '' Inattentiveness….

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قطاع الدواء يقيم عدد من الفعاليات التثقيفية بمناسبة أسبوع الوقاية من التسمم الدوائي


شارك عدد من موظفي قطاع الدواء في فعاليات أسبوع الوقاية من التسمم الدوائي وذلك بهدف توعية المجتمع ضد أخطار التسمم الدوائي وما ينجم عن ذلك من تبعات سيئة لاتحمد عقباها، وقد استعانوا بالإحصاءات والبراهين التي تبين حجم هذه المشكلة على أفراد المجتمع السعودي، وبخاصة صغار السن ممن هم دون السادسة. وذلك بإشراف مباشر من مدير إدارة الأبحاث والنشر الدكتور عبدالمحسن الرحيمي.

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MHRA Advises Statin Users


On January 8, 2008, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the United Kingdom's equivalent to the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), issued an advise for Statin users in the latest issue of Drug Safety Update newsletter.

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U.S. FDA issues an early communication about ongoing data review of three Cholesterol lowering agents


On January 26, 2008, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the American equivalent to the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), has issued an early communication about ongoing data review for the following cholesterol-lowering agents:

Generic Name

U.S. Trade Name

Saudi Arabia Trade Name(s)

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The Drug Sector Hosts Dr. Thomas Lailouf


The Drug Sector at The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) along with the corporation program of the International Bank hosted Dr. Thomas Lailouf, the expert of drug laboratories and former director of laboratories at the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), from the 2nd of February 2008 up to the 7th of February 2008 for the purpose of estimating the current status of laboratories concerning the analysis of pharmaceutical products, establishing the visions and appropriate proposition to develop the pharmaceutical products.

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A Legation From German Extedo Company Visits the (SFDA)


    From 23th , 24th of February, the Drug Sector holds a training program on the assessment of pharmaceutical products file system(EURS is yours) which has been granted by the sector recently. This system used to estimate the electronic registration files. The vice president for drug affairs, the preparation committee, the manager and the employee of registration department has attended the workshop.

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SFDA Hosts a lecture on Generic Drugs


On Monday 24th of March, 2008, The drug sector at the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) hosted a lecture about generic drugs. The lecture was presented by Dr. Sultan Ghani, the expert in quality assessment of generic drugs in Health Canada. The title of the lecture was (The Generic Drugs Program in Health Canada). Dr. Ghani showed the experience of Health Canada in the field of evaluation, regulation and registration of drugs.

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SFDA Participated in a Workshop on the Regulations of Clinical trials


From the 17th to the 21th of March, 2008, the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) participated in a workshop on the regulations of clinical trials which was held in Thailand. The director of the department of research and publication at Drug sector, Dr. Abdulmohsen Al Rohaimi, represented the (SFDA) at this workshop where he presented a lecture about the regulations of clinical trials in the kingdom and the role of (SFDA) in this field.

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دعوة لحضور ورشة عمل تنظيم مستحضرات التجميل بالمملكة



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Workshop : “Pricing of Pharmaceutical Products”


Workshop : “Pricing of Pharmaceutical Products”

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